The topic of this essay is, “The Culture Of The 1970s”





A popular for the 70s is, “The me decade.” This name was born when a novelist named Tom Wolfe wrote an essay about the 70s calling it, “the me decade.” It refers how everyone developed on attitude of only wanting to look out for themselves and not for others.


This counters who people were in the 60s. In the 60s, everyone wanted to live in a community together be with each other. In the 70s, people ditched that idea and started focusing on themselves.





Over in Great Britain, a new prime minister was chosen. Margaret Thatcher was elected prime minister in 1979 and served until 1990, becoming the first ever woman to stay in office as prime minister. Thatcher was nicked, “The Iron Lady” due to her very demanding and uncompromisable leadership styles. She resigned from office in 1990 because of the unfavorable taxes that she implemented. She died of a stroke in 2013 at the age of 87.





The 70s also was a breakthrough point in the music industry. Introducing new genres of music like funk, hip hop and the most popular one of all, disco. Bands like ABBA and The Bee Gees dominated in the music industry during the 70s. Two other popular genres of music were R&B and soul with people like Stevie Wonder and Jackson 5. There were also rock bands such as Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Aerosmith and more.





And then there’s the movie franchise with one particular movie that was extremely popular in the 70s. If you don’t know what I’m talking about already, you are the most uninformed person ever. Star Wars. Star Wars takes place, “A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.” It is a movie series that was created by George Lucas. It was one of the most popular movies in the 70s and it still is. We are still waiting another six months for the next chapter of star wars to be completed.



Thanks for reading!!!